Salitair: Natural Treatment for COPD
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (or COPD for short) is a term for a group of disorders that cause long-term poor airflow. Two of the most well known are bronchitis and emphysema, both of which make it more difficult to move air in and out of the airways, and, ultimately, make it harder to breathe. This can have a significant negative impact on your quality of life, making going about your daily tasks difficult and vigorous exercise near impossible.
What Can You Do About COPD?
Because COPD can be so debilitating, proper treatment is vital. If you smoke, the most important thing you can do to help your COPD is to stop smoking (if you're looking to do so, smoking alternatives can be a massive help).
However, quitting smoking may not be enough on its own to improve your breathing to a point where daily activities are completely comfortable, particularly in the short term. Many of our customers have found that the Salitair Salt Therapy Salt Pipe has been hugely beneficial in treating their COPD:
- Susan -
I bought this product for my mum. She has suffered with COPD for six years now and, being a diabetic, is limited in what she can take for it. The Salitair pipe has helped her in so many ways. I am recommending this product to anyone who has trouble getting their breath.
- Gillian -
I have be using the Salt Pipe for over a week now and have begun to feel the benefits with my Alpha 1 Lung condition and COPD. Before trying this Salt Pipe, it took me over one hour every morning to clear the congestion in my lungs. It is now down to 15/20 minutes and my breathing overnight and during the day is much improved.
- Audrey -
I just want to recommend this product to anyone with breathing problems. I have COPD and noticed a difference immediately with my breathing. I am delighted with my pipe - cheap and effective and after one week it has given me hope that my health will improve, and my quality of life.
These are just a few of the many positive reviews for the Salitair Salt Pipe that we have received from people suffering from COPD.
How Can the Salitair Salt Therapy Salt Pipe Help?
The Salitair Salt Pipe
When using the Salitair, the moisture of the passing air absorbs micron-sized particles of the salt, which then penetrate into your respiratory system. The sodium content of the active ingredient induces natural self-cleansing mechanisms that flush away the impurities from the surface of the cells. Salt particles also mechanically clean the air passages.
This two-pronged cleansing of the respiratory tract helps to remove blockages and encourages the air passages to expand, allowing air to move in and out of your lungs more easily. This means you will begin to experience real benefits almost immediately, and the symptoms of your COPD will quickly be alleviated.
Highly Versatile
Drug-free and completely natural, the Salitair Salt Pipe can be extremely effective as a supplement to prescription treatments for COPD, such as inhalers and drugs. Not only ideal for COPD, the Salitair Salt Pipe can also help with several other pulmonary and respiratory conditions, including:
- Asthma
- Pollen allergies or other allergies of the respiratory tract
- Whooping cough, hay fever and colds
- Snoring
With the Salitair Salt Pipe, you can relieve the symptoms of your COPD, and you are also covered in the event that any of these other conditions arise.
Breathe easy today with Salitair!
Have you experienced great results with the Salitair Salt Pipe? Let us know in the comments or find us on Twitter and Facebook!