Coronavirus Goggles: How Can They Help?

Coronavirus is not the only disease to pose a serious health threat in recent years, with Zika and Ebola both sparking global alarm. However, what really sets coronavirus apart is the astonishing virulence with which it passes from one person to another.

Coronavirus Goggles
Eyewear protection is essential for those tending to coronavirus patients

A full hazmat suit might seem a little excessive, but you'll need full body coverage to protect against something that transmits as easily as COVID-19. Whether you're braving the streets or tending to an ill family member, coronavirus goggles will ensure you're protected from the virus in two essential ways.

Touch Prevention

One of the reasons COVID-19 is such a unique threat is the virus's ability to survive for long periods on hard surfaces. That means that if you touch a handle, desk, door, chair, pole, or any other hard surface, your hand can pick up the germs and easily transfer them into your system the next time you touch your face. All across the world people have discovered how frequently we touch our faces without realising it, and safety goggles are one of the few immediate preventative measures.

If you wear glasses then goggles are particularly vital as the virus can easily survive on the rim of your glasses for several days.

Airborne Particles

Preliminary research has shown that coronavirus can survive in the air in fine particles known as aerosols. If you're tending to someone with the virus or going into public spaces, then respiratory droplets or airborne particles can potentially infect you. A good set of goggles will help to shield your face from the invisible particles that could easily find their way into your system.

EN 166 Eyewear Safety Standard

This standard indicates that a piece of eyewear qualifies as personal protective equipment. This can mean the goggles protect from a diverse range of hazards, including dust particles, caustic fluids, radio-chemicals or metal shavings. For the best protection you should look for the following markings:

  • Large dust particles: Frame marking 4
  • Gas and fine dust particles: Frame marking 5
  • Resistance to surface damage by fine particles: Lens marking K

Corona Virus Goggles

Following are two coronavirus protection goggles which have been certified as offering protection against the virus under EN 166.

Supertouch E30 Safety Goggles

The polycarbonate construction of the Supertouch E30 Safety Goggles with Particle Protection helps to prevent airborne particles from reaching your eyes. They are fully certified under EN 166 and have received a lens marking of K, which means they are resistant to surface damage by fine particles.

They have been designed for maximum comfort over long periods of wear. This means that you can benefit from their protective qualities over an entire day, rather than just a few hours.

Uvex Ultrasonic Clear Safety Goggles

The sporty design of the Uvex Ultrasonic Clear safety Goggles ensures your vision will not be impeded. The flexible, soft component of the construction means that the goggles will adapt to the wearer's face and offer full protection, even for those who wear glasses.

The goggles have been certified under EN 166. They have received a lens marking of K, indicating they are resistant to damage by fine particles, and also a frame marking of 4, demonstrating their resistance to large dust particles or the respiratory droplets of a coronavirus patients.

Better Safe than Sorry

If you would like to know more about how this topic try our blog, How Do I Protect Myself From Corona Virus?

What measures are you taking to shield yourself from airborne droplets of the virus? Let us know in the comments below, or find us on Twitter and Facebook!

Tags: Hygiene, Virus