How to Wash Your Face Mask to Prevent Coronavirus

Now that face masks are becoming more of a permanent fixture in the battle to slow coronavirus, it's likely you've obtained one for yourself or your family members. But did you know that cleaning your face mask correctly is just as important as wearing one?

With so much conflicting coronavirus advice circulating, you may not be sure what methods or products you should be using, or how often you should be cleaning your mask. In this guide, we answer common questions and offer reliable recommendations for keeping your mask clean and coronavirus-free.

The Best Way to Clean Your Face Mask

Collonil Bleu Textile Wash Anti-Viral Fabric Detergent

When dealing with potentially contaminated face masks, you'll want to achieve a thorough clean without damaging your fabrics. That's why the Collonil Bleu Textile Wash Anti-Viral Fabric Detergent is our top recommended product for face mask sanitisation.

It is specially formulated to target bacteria and viruses like coronavirus, but is gentle enough for delicate fabrics including cotton, silk, wool and microfibres. Collonil Bleu is suitable for both machine washing and hand washing, making it a versatile solution to sanitisation.

Why We Love It...

  • A fantastic alternative to harsh bleaches
  • Targets bacteria, germs and viruses (including coronavirus)
  • Safe for use with sensitive fabrics
  • Suitable for both hand and machine washing
  • Skin-friendly formula

How Do I Wash My Face Mask By Hand?

To wash your face mask by hand, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends making a solution with a disinfecting bleach. They suggest you:

  • Make a solution using five tablespoons of bleach per 4.5 litres (1 gallon) of water (or four teaspoons of bleach per one litre of water)
  • Leave the mask to soak for about 5 minutes
  • Rinse thoroughly with cool or room temperature water

However, if you prefer to avoid strong bleaching solutions, the Collonil Bleu Textile Wash is a great alternative. Not only is it kind to skin, it is also gentle on fabrics and may help your mask last that much longer without becoming damaged.

As with all clothing and materials, you should also check the manufacturers washing instructions before cleaning. 

How Do I Machine Wash My Face Mask?

Your can toss your face mask in with your regular load of laundry at the end of each week. Just make sure you use an appropriate detergent and the warmest possible setting for the materials being washed. For the best results, we'd recommend using the Collonil Bleu Anti-Viral Detergent.

How Do I Dry My Face Mask?

Depending on the material your mask is made from, it can either be placed in a dryer or hung up to dry naturally. If appropriate, use the highest setting on your machine dryer and leave the mask in until it is completely dry. When air drying, it is best to leave it in direct sunlight where possible.

How Often Should I Wash My Face Mask for Covid?

Cleaning your mask frequently is important as it can easily become a transmitter of the virus. It covers your mouth and nose and may come into contact with potentially contaminated areas throughout the day. Consequently, infectious particles can collect on the mask and find their way into your respiratory system.

To prevent this, the CDC recommends you wash your mask each time you use it. This way, you can be sure that your mask is clean and free of germs whenever you put it on.

Quick Face Mask Tips

Follow these tips to avoid spreading contamination to or from your face mask:

  • Keep at least two face masks so you'll have a spare when one is in the wash
  • Wash your mask each night before going to bed
  • Always wash your hands or use an alcohol based sanitiser before removing your mask
  • Try not to touch your face or the front of your mask
  • Only remove your mask using its ear loops or ties
  • Place your mask straight into the wash, or a washable bag after use
  • Clean your hands immediately after touching a used face mask

Keep Clean, Stay Safe

Face masks are becoming more and more important in the fight against coronavirus. By following the information in this article, you can make sure you're doing your bit by keeping your mask clean and protecting yourself against infection. If you're looking for other ways to reduce your coronavirus risk, why not take a look at the Collonil Bleu Virus Stop Hand and Surface Sanitiser?

Did you find these tips helpful? Let us know in the comments below, or find us on Twitter and Facebook!

Tags: Product Focus, Coronavirus Information